Global Innovation Field School

Explore human-focused design strategies in the Birthplace of Humanity

The Global Innovation Field School is a multidisciplinary program, not just for engineers but for all who want to improve the lives of people around the world through application of technology.

Known for producing much of the evidence we have for human evolution, the Turkana Basin of northern Kenya is also in a microcosm of many of the issues facing the world in the 21st century, as well as a unique living laboratory in which to investigate practical solutions to these concerns. Participants in this program will examine the dynamic relationship between humans and our environment, and design equitable, sustainable solutions to problems facing the developing world.

Program and Tuition Fees

The current details on the program and tuition fees are accessible on Stony Brook University’s website.

Participants will earn six credits through Stony Brook University.


  • EAS 310: Global Design Engineering Innovation
  • EAS 312: Engineering for the Developing World

To apply, please contact the International Academic Programs office at Stony Brook University:

phone: (631) 632-7030